We’re not out of the COVID-19 woods just yet, but I dare say we’re lighting a path to emerge!
Our country has come together magnificently to slow the spread of the virus, understand how it works, protect people, and ultimately defeat it.
Talk is now shifting to how we’re going to re-start our economy. Specific guidelines will come from your state and local governments. But in the meantime, there are things you can think about so you’re ready to go when it’s time to open your doors again.
For instance, it’s possible you’ll be required to make various workplace accommodations. Will you need to re-arrange work spaces, tables or aisles to increase the distance between employees or customers? Install or extend partitions or add plexiglass shields? Limit meetings to 4 or fewer people and move tables 6-10 feet apart? What about issuing face masks and gloves, and even doing temperature screenings at the start of each shift or as customers try to visit you?
Thinking about how to accomplish such requirements now could help you open sooner.
This is a good article discussing the many things to consider as you prepare to re-open. It’s written by the law firm of Morgan Lewis in Philadelphia.
It’s good food-for-thought.
I believe all our country’s efforts at stemming the progress of COVID-19 are paying off. We’re learning more and more every day about the disease, its spread, and its defeat. Soon we will be open for business. Let’s be ready together!
If Coastal Payment Systems can do anything to help you during this business crisis, reach out. We will do everything we can to assist you, Use 877-392-2737 and info@coastalpaymentsystems.com contact us.
Stay safe and stay positive. We’re on our way back!