Stuck between two walls. A low functioning wall or a high functioning but expensive wall. Accepting payments can feel like you and your business only have a choice of a credit card terminal on your counter or a point of sale with all the bells, whistles and expense that comes with the hardware and software of a POS. What if your computer or device you already own could take payments? What if you could log on to a site to accept credit cards, debit cards or checks with any device? A place between the walls, high functioning with with low expense.

PayHub Plus - a full suite of comprehensive payment tools and solutions designed to help you sell more, make more and keep more. With our payment gateway, you will gain innovative payment solutions designed to increase your profits with customizable web checkout features and mobile solutions. Easily integrate with your solutions and take advantage of the PayHub Plus Gateway features to enhance your business.

Dashboard and Reporting Gain a valuable over-view of your business at-a-glance and choose the Dashboard Tiles you want to see. Access multiple reporting tools that are searchable/sortable, exportable, and easy to use.
Hosted Payment Page Accept online card payments and ACH payments quickly. Immediately reduce risk exposure with a dynamic, PCI Compliant hosted check out form that is always tokenized for added protection.
Virtual Terminal Our virtual terminal is specially designed to work great on any Internet capable device of any size, including smart phones, tablets, and touchscreen PCs. Get the best virtual terminal in the industry.
Recurring Billing Create recurring plans with setup fees, bill on any schedule, edit plans in use, and manage it all via the portal or via API.
Cash Discount PayHub Plus is compatible with PayLo Cash Discount processing. Save thousands off processing fees automatically.
Encrypted Swipe Integrate encrypted swipe technology to reduce a merchant’s scope by limiting their exposure to sensitive payment data.
Mobile Swipe Mobile Apps with swipe support gives merchants ability to take payments anywhere.
