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Advanced Payment Technology Incentives


It is said that people generally resist change. Not all, but most. A small business owner could be too busy running day to day operations to take the time to consider technology that will help operate more efficiently and grow. What about making more profit? That might capture their attention. Or not.

So, in attempt to capture their attention, we have decided to give away payment technology and even pay businesses to give it a try.

First, we are putting new SMART payment terminals or SMART point of sale terminals in businesses at no cost. No equipment costs. Free SMART terminals that sell from $250 to $1,000 each. In addition we will pay those merchants that take advantage of our FREE terminal offer.

Why move to a SMART Payment Terminal when old processing technology has been working for so many years? To put it bluntly, because older terminals are dumb. Much like dumb phones that have been replaced by smart phones. Why? Smart phones do more for you. They guide you to new destinations, calculate, search the web, take photos and post on social media. A computer in your pocket. Your old phone? It was for talking to Grandma. Now even Grandma has a smart phone.

Dumb terminals have been taking payments in American businesses, and for that matter around the world, but are now limited in function. Accepting payments and depositing those payments at the end of the day. That's it. Important, but that's all. Much like a smart phone, SMART terminals have more features and functions that save time and money.

  • Front and back cameras for easy barcode scanning.

  • Customer facing touchscreen.

  • 8” touchscreen with Android software.

  • Built-in receipt printer with 3 1/8” wide paper.

  • EMV chip card, NFC contactless, and magstripe reader.

  • 4G and WiFi connectivity allowing wireless mobility.

  • PIN Debit capability.

  • Free time clock, employee management, and hiring capabilities through Homebase integration.

SMART Terminal Services

  • One-on-one consultative call with no sales volume requirements.

  • Next day funding with cut times as late as 9pm CT and same day funding available.

  • Free merchant portal with dispute management, virtual terminal, and invoicing.

  • The EDGE processing program that makes the same profit on non-cash sales as cash sales.

Returning to resistance to change and our offer. We are willing to buy attention. With cash. We are so certain that this new SMART payment technology will help small business compete with the big stores that we are paying a REBATE. $100 to $500 back to the merchants that take us up on this offer to make the change to a newer, better payment technology.

How to get started with a FREE SMART terminal or POS and earn a Rebate.

1. Apply for and be approved for a new EDGE merchant account to make the same profit on non-cash sales as cash sales in order to pay no more credit card processing fees.

2. Choose a Smart Terminal or Point of Sale.

3. Earn a Rebate on monthly processing volume.

Up to $10,000 earns $100

$20,000 earns $200

$30,000 earns $300

$40,000 earns $400

$50,000 earns $500

It all begins here. Complete the contact form to start. Get Started Today! (

Upon receipt of a completed form the merchant will be contacted by a SMART specialist to determine the terminal that will be best for the business.

Terms and Conditions.

Merchant is required to apply for a new merchant account through Coastal Payment Services and be approved for the account. Rebate paid 30 days after first settlement.

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